Medium-performance cartridge heaters


The design of the medium-performance cartridge heaters pre-determines the use of these cartridge heaters under less extreme conditions compared with high-performance cartridges. The maximum recommended watt density is 12 W/cm2.

Compared with high-performance cartridge heaters, the advantage is the option to produce cartridges with larger dimensions and higher Ampere values. More information is available on request.

The maximum recommended operating temperature on the surface of the Medium-performance cartridge is 650°C.


Specification of medium-performance cartridge heaters

Diameter of cartridge heaters 6.5 mm 8.5(8) mm 10 mm 12.5(12) mm 16 mm 20 mm
Maximum recommended voltage 240 V 400 V 400 V 400 V 480 V 480 V
Maximum recommended Amperage – leads connected outside the cartridge heater 7.5 A 10 A 15 A 20 A 25 A 30 A
Maximum recommended wattage (at 230 V)- leads connected outside the cartridge heater 1,725 W 2,300 W 3,450 W 4,600 W 5,750 W 6,900 W
Maximum recommended amperage – leads with insulation inserted into the cartridge heater 2 A – glass-fibre insulation 3.8 A – Teflon insulation 5 A 7.9 A 11 A 15 A / 19.5 A 19.5 A
Maximum recommended input power (at 230 V) – leads with insulation inserted into the cartridge heater 460 W – glass-fibre insulation 870 W – Teflon insulation 1,150 W 18,15 W 2,530 W 3,450 W / 4,480 W 4,480 W
Minimum recommended length 170 mm 180 mm 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm

If for leads with insulation inserted into the cartridge heater there are two values of the maximum recommended current then the lower value corresponds to the leads with glass-textile insulation. The higher value of the maximum recommended current is for leads with Teflon insulation.

The maximum mentioned recommended values of the input power of cartridge heaters at 230 V are defined by the construction parameters from the viewpoint of permitted current values. The values of the input power cannot be produced for any length of cartridge heaters. Higher current and input power values are available in some cases. Consultation is required in the case of a request for another diameter or length.


Diameter:  -0.05/-0.1 mm.

Length of cartridges:+2%/-2% of the length;  for length 100 mm ±2 mm. In case of cartridge heaters with threaded fittings or conical thread +0/-2%.

Wattage tolerances: +10%/-10% (measured at working temperature).


  • Up to 100 mm of the length of the cartridge – 0.1 mm
  • For the length of cartridges 200 mm  – 0.15 mm
  • For the length of cartridge heaters 300 mm  – 0.2 mm
  • For the length of cartridge heaters 400 mm  – 0.7 mm
  • For the length of cartridge heaters 500 mm  – 1.2 mm
  • For the length of cartridge heaters 1,000 mm  – 4.5 mm

Standard manufactured diameters

ø 6.5 mm, ø 8 mm, ø 8.5 mm, ø 10 mm, ø 12 mm, ø 12.5 mm, 1/2“ (12.7 mm), ø 14 mm, ø 15 mm, ø 16 mm, ø 18 mm, ø 20 mm, ø 22 mm, ø 25 mm, 1“ (25.4 mm), ø 28.5 mm, ø 30 mm, ø 35 mm, ø 40 mm.

Other diameters, tolerance of diameter or the length can be ordered after negotiation.

Other options of medium-performance cartridge heaters

  • No-heating ends.
  • Length and the method of electrical connection, see “Terminal options of cartridge heaters”.
  • Fixation of cartridge heater – see. “Mounting options of cartridge heaters”.
  • Heating zone – see “Cartridge heaters with distributed wattage”.
  • 3-phase cartridges – only available for some tasks. Consultation is required in the case of a request.
  • Material of the shell on high-loaded cartridge heaters: AISI 304 (up to 600 °C), refractory stainless steel (up to 750 °C).
  • Internal thermocouple
  • Internal thermal limiter – used for heating liquids; only available for some diameters of cartridge heaters.
  • Version with both-ended leads (more information on request).
  • Reinforced bottom for easy cartridge heater ejection.